Full listing of licenses
Licences for materials included in main application repository
gogadget is Copyright © 2024 Jonathan Fox.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
All materials in this repository are covered by the aforementioned license, unless specifically noted below:
- src/gogadget/ytdlp_cli_to_api.py has been directly reproduced from yt-dlp's github page (license) without modification.
- The Windows installer bundles the binaries for both FFMPEG (license) and uv (license).
- The Bootstrap framework javascript and CSS files stored within src/gogadget/resources/html/bootstrap have been directly reproduced without modification (license).
- Portions of src/gogadget/resources/html/anki/ have been based upon the formatting of Refold's excellent decks. These are APLGv3 licensed, based upon the included code from Ankitects (license). Please see the individual source files for specific licensing information.
Licences for all python dependencies
files for all dependencies will be installed to your storage alongside the packages. For easy reference, all of the licenses and authors are displayed below, as automatically generated by pip-licenses
displays as UNKNOWN
in the table below due to a misconfiguration in the pypi package. It is MIT
licensed as per the github listing.
Auto-generated list of python dependencies:
Name | License | Author | URL |
protobuf | 3-Clause BSD License | protobuf@googlegroups.com | https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ |
HyperPyYAML | Apache Software License | Peter Plantinga, Aku Rouhe | https://github.com/speechbrain/HyperPyYAML |
aiohttp | Apache Software License | UNKNOWN | https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp |
aiosignal | Apache Software License | UNKNOWN | https://github.com/aio-libs/aiosignal |
ffmpeg-python | Apache Software License | Karl Kroening | https://github.com/kkroening/ffmpeg-python |
flatbuffers | Apache Software License | Derek Bailey | https://google.github.io/flatbuffers/ |
frozenlist | Apache Software License | UNKNOWN | https://github.com/aio-libs/frozenlist |
ghp-import | Apache Software License | Paul Joseph Davis | https://github.com/c-w/ghp-import |
huggingface-hub | Apache Software License | Hugging Face, Inc. | https://github.com/huggingface/huggingface_hub |
lightning | Apache Software License | Lightning AI et al. | https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning |
msgpack | Apache Software License | Inada Naoki songofacandy@gmail.com | https://msgpack.org/ |
multidict | Apache Software License | Andrew Svetlov | https://github.com/aio-libs/multidict |
nltk | Apache Software License | NLTK Team | https://www.nltk.org/ |
propcache | Apache Software License | Andrew Svetlov | https://github.com/aio-libs/propcache |
pytorch-lightning | Apache Software License | Lightning AI et al. | https://github.com/Lightning-AI/lightning |
regex | Apache Software License | Matthew Barnett | https://github.com/mrabarnett/mrab-regex |
requests | Apache Software License | Kenneth Reitz | https://requests.readthedocs.io |
safetensors | Apache Software License | Nicolas Patry patry.nicolas@protonmail.com | https://github.com/huggingface/safetensors |
sentencepiece | Apache Software License | Taku Kudo | https://github.com/google/sentencepiece |
sortedcontainers | Apache Software License | Grant Jenks | http://www.grantjenks.com/docs/sortedcontainers/ |
speechbrain | Apache Software License | Mirco Ravanelli, Titouan Parcollet & Others | https://speechbrain.github.io/ |
tokenizers | Apache Software License | Anthony MOI m.anthony.moi@gmail.com | https://github.com/huggingface/tokenizers |
torchmetrics | Apache Software License | Lightning-AI et al. | https://github.com/Lightning-AI/torchmetrics |
transformers | Apache Software License | The Hugging Face team (past and future) with the help of all our contributors (https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/graphs/contributors) | https://github.com/huggingface/transformers |
tzdata | Apache Software License | Python Software Foundation | https://github.com/python/tzdata |
watchdog | Apache Software License | Mickaël Schoentgen | https://github.com/gorakhargosh/watchdog |
yarl | Apache Software License | Andrew Svetlov | https://github.com/aio-libs/yarl |
packaging | Apache Software License; BSD License | Donald Stufft donald@stufft.io | https://github.com/pypa/packaging |
python-dateutil | Apache Software License; BSD License | Gustavo Niemeyer | https://github.com/dateutil/dateutil |
lightning-utilities | Apache-2.0 | Lightning AI et al. | https://github.com/Lightning-AI/utilities |
antlr4-python3-runtime | BSD | Eric Vergnaud, Terence Parr, Sam Harwell | http://www.antlr.org |
llvmlite | BSD | UNKNOWN | http://llvmlite.readthedocs.io |
Jinja2 | BSD License | UNKNOWN | https://github.com/pallets/jinja/ |
Markdown | BSD License | Manfred Stienstra, Yuri Takhteyev | https://Python-Markdown.github.io/ |
MarkupSafe | BSD License | UNKNOWN | https://github.com/pallets/markupsafe/ |
Pygments | BSD License | Georg Brandl georg@python.org | https://pygments.org |
av | BSD License | Mike Boers | https://github.com/PyAV-Org/PyAV |
babel | BSD License | Armin Ronacher | https://babel.pocoo.org/ |
blis | BSD License | Matthew Honnibal | https://github.com/explosion/cython-blis |
cached-property | BSD License | Daniel Roy Greenfeld | https://github.com/pydanny/cached-property |
cairocffi | BSD License | Simon Sapin contact@courtbouillon.org | https://doc.courtbouillon.org/cairocffi/stable/changelog.html |
click | BSD License | UNKNOWN | https://palletsprojects.com/p/click/ |
colorama | BSD License | Jonathan Hartley tartley@tartley.com | https://github.com/tartley/colorama |
contourpy | BSD License | Ian Thomas ianthomas23@gmail.com | https://github.com/contourpy/contourpy |
csscompressor | BSD License | Yury Selivanov | http://github.com/sprymix/csscompressor |
cssselect2 | BSD License | Simon Sapin simon.sapin@exyr.org | https://doc.courtbouillon.org/cssselect2/ |
cycler | BSD License | Thomas A Caswell matplotlib-users@python.org | https://matplotlib.org/cycler/ |
decorator | BSD License | Michele Simionato | https://github.com/micheles/decorator |
fsspec | BSD License | UNKNOWN | https://github.com/fsspec/filesystem_spec |
htmlmin2 | BSD License | Dave Mankoff | https://htmlmin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ |
idna | BSD License | Kim Davies kim+pypi@gumleaf.org | https://github.com/kjd/idna |
joblib | BSD License | Gael Varoquaux gael.varoquaux@normalesup.org | https://joblib.readthedocs.io |
kiwisolver | BSD License | The Nucleic Development Team sccolbert@gmail.com | https://github.com/nucleic/kiwi |
lazy_loader | BSD License | Scientific Python Developers | https://github.com/scientific-python/lazy_loader |
mkdocs | BSD License | Tom Christie tom@tomchristie.com | https://github.com/mkdocs/mkdocs |
mpmath | BSD License | Fredrik Johansson | http://mpmath.org/ |
networkx | BSD License | Aric Hagberg hagberg@lanl.gov | https://networkx.org/ |
numba | BSD License | UNKNOWN | https://numba.pydata.org |
numpy | BSD License | Travis E. Oliphant et al. | https://numpy.org |
omegaconf | BSD License | Omry Yadan | https://github.com/omry/omegaconf |
pandas | BSD License | The Pandas Development Team pandas-dev@python.org | https://pandas.pydata.org |
pooch | BSD License | The Pooch Developers fatiandoaterra@protonmail.com | https://www.fatiando.org/pooch/latest/changes.html |
prettytable | BSD License | Luke Maurits luke@maurits.id.au | https://github.com/prettytable/prettytable |
pycparser | BSD License | Eli Bendersky | https://github.com/eliben/pycparser |
scikit-learn | BSD License | UNKNOWN | https://scikit-learn.org |
scipy | BSD License | UNKNOWN | https://scipy.org/ |
semver | BSD License | Kostiantyn Rybnikov | https://github.com/python-semver/python-semver |
soundfile | BSD License | Bastian Bechtold | https://github.com/bastibe/python-soundfile |
sympy | BSD License | SymPy development team | https://sympy.org |
threadpoolctl | BSD License | Thomas Moreau | https://github.com/joblib/threadpoolctl |
tinycss2 | BSD License | Simon Sapin simon.sapin@exyr.org | https://www.courtbouillon.org/tinycss2 |
torch | BSD License | PyTorch Team | https://pytorch.org/ |
torchaudio | BSD License | Soumith Chintala, David Pollack, Sean Naren, Peter Goldsborough, Moto Hira, Caroline Chen, Jeff Hwang, Zhaoheng Ni, Xiaohui Zhang | https://github.com/pytorch/audio |
webencodings | BSD License | Geoffrey Sneddon | https://github.com/SimonSapin/python-webencodings |
wrapt | BSD License | Graham Dumpleton | https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/wrapt |
gogadget | GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+) | Jonathan Fox | https://gogadget.jfox.io/ |
soxr | GNU Lesser General Public License v2 or later (LGPLv2+) | KEUM Myungchul | https://github.com/dofuuz/python-soxr |
frozendict | GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3) | Marco Sulla | https://github.com/Marco-Sulla/python-frozendict |
CairoSVG | GNU Lesser General Public License v3 or later (LGPLv3+) | Guillaume Ayoub | https://courtbouillon.org/cairosvg |
pillow | Historical Permission Notice and Disclaimer (HPND) | "Jeffrey A. Clark" aclark@aclark.net | https://python-pillow.org |
librosa | ISC License (ISCL) | Brian McFee, librosa development team | https://librosa.org |
shellingham | ISC License (ISCL) | Tzu-ping Chung | https://github.com/sarugaku/shellingham |
genanki | MIT | Kerrick Staley | http://github.com/kerrickstaley/genanki |
mkdocs-glightbox | MIT | Blueswen | https://blueswen.github.io/mkdocs-glightbox |
spacy-loggers | MIT | Explosion | https://github.com/explosion/spacy-loggers |
wasabi | MIT | Explosion | https://github.com/explosion/wasabi |
Mako | MIT License | Mike Bayer | https://www.makotemplates.org/ |
PyYAML | MIT License | Kirill Simonov | https://pyyaml.org/ |
SQLAlchemy | MIT License | Mike Bayer | https://www.sqlalchemy.org |
alembic | MIT License | Mike Bayer | https://alembic.sqlalchemy.org |
annotated-types | MIT License | Adrian Garcia Badaracco 1755071+adriangb@users.noreply.github.com, Samuel Colvin s@muelcolvin.com, Zac Hatfield-Dodds zac@zhd.dev | https://github.com/annotated-types/annotated-types |
argos-spacy-compatibility | MIT License | Your Name | UNKNOWN |
asteroid-filterbanks | MIT License | Manuel Pariente | https://github.com/asteroid-team/asteroid-filterbanks |
attrs | MIT License | Hynek Schlawack hs@ox.cx | https://www.attrs.org/en/stable/changelog.html |
catalogue | MIT License | Explosion | https://github.com/explosion/catalogue |
cffi | MIT License | Armin Rigo, Maciej Fijalkowski | http://cffi.readthedocs.org |
charset-normalizer | MIT License | Ahmed TAHRI | https://github.com/Ousret/charset_normalizer |
chevron | MIT License | noah morrison | https://github.com/noahmorrison/chevron |
cloudpathlib | MIT License | DrivenData info@drivendata.org | https://github.com/drivendataorg/cloudpathlib |
coloredlogs | MIT License | Peter Odding | https://coloredlogs.readthedocs.io |
colorlog | MIT License | Sam Clements | https://github.com/borntyping/python-colorlog |
confection | MIT License | Explosion | https://github.com/explosion/confection |
ctranslate2 | MIT License | OpenNMT | https://opennmt.net |
cymem | MIT License | Matthew Honnibal | https://github.com/explosion/cymem |
docopt | MIT License | Vladimir Keleshev | http://docopt.org |
einops | MIT License | Alex Rogozhnikov | https://github.com/arogozhnikov/einops |
et_xmlfile | MIT License | See AUTHORS.txt | https://foss.heptapod.net/openpyxl/et_xmlfile |
faster-whisper | MIT License | Guillaume Klein | https://github.com/SYSTRAN/faster-whisper |
fonttools | MIT License | Just van Rossum | http://github.com/fonttools/fonttools |
future | MIT License | Ed Schofield | https://python-future.org |
humanfriendly | MIT License | Peter Odding | https://humanfriendly.readthedocs.io |
jsmin | MIT License | Dave St.Germain | https://github.com/tikitu/jsmin/ |
julius | MIT License | Alexandre Défossez | https://github.com/adefossez/julius |
langcodes | MIT License | Elia Robyn Speer rspeer@arborelia.net | https://github.com/georgkrause/langcodes |
language_data | MIT License | Elia Robyn Speer rspeer@arborelia.net | https://github.com/georgkrause/language_data |
lemon_tizer | MIT License | Jonathan Fox | https://github.com/jonathanfox5/lemon_tizer |
marisa-trie | MIT License | Mikhail Korobov | https://github.com/pytries/marisa-trie |
markdown-it-py | MIT License | Chris Sewell chrisj_sewell@hotmail.com | https://github.com/executablebooks/markdown-it-py |
mdurl | MIT License | Taneli Hukkinen hukkin@users.noreply.github.com | https://github.com/executablebooks/mdurl |
mdx-truly-sane-lists | MIT License | radude | https://github.com/radude/mdx_truly_sane_lists |
mergedeep | MIT License | Travis Clarke | https://github.com/clarketm/mergedeep |
mkdocs-get-deps | MIT License | Oleh Prypin oleh@pryp.in | https://github.com/mkdocs/get-deps |
mkdocs-material | MIT License | Martin Donath martin.donath@squidfunk.com | https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material |
mkdocs-material-extensions | MIT License | Isaac Muse Isaac.Muse@gmail.com | https://github.com/facelessuser/mkdocs-material-extensions |
mkdocs-minify-plugin | MIT License | Byrne Reese, Lars Wilhelmer | https://github.com/byrnereese/mkdocs-minify-plugin |
murmurhash | MIT License | Explosion | https://github.com/explosion/murmurhash |
onnxruntime | MIT License | Microsoft Corporation | https://onnxruntime.ai |
openpyxl | MIT License | See AUTHORS | https://openpyxl.readthedocs.io |
optuna | MIT License | Takuya Akiba | https://optuna.org/ |
paginate | MIT License | Christoph Haas | https://github.com/Signum/paginate |
pip | MIT License | The pip developers distutils-sig@python.org | https://pip.pypa.io/ |
pip-licenses | MIT License | raimon raimon49@hotmail.com | https://github.com/raimon49/pip-licenses |
platformdirs | MIT License | UNKNOWN | https://github.com/tox-dev/platformdirs |
preshed | MIT License | Explosion | https://github.com/explosion/preshed |
primePy | MIT License | Indrajit Jana | https://github.com/janaindrajit/primePy |
pyannote.audio | MIT License | Hervé Bredin | https://github.com/pyannote/pyannote-audio |
pyannote.core | MIT License | Hervé Bredin | http://pyannote.github.io/ |
pyannote.database | MIT License | Hervé Bredin | http://pyannote.github.io/ |
pyannote.metrics | MIT License | Herve Bredin | https://pyannote.github.io/pyannote-metrics |
pyannote.pipeline | MIT License | Hervé Bredin | http://pyannote.github.io/ |
pydantic | MIT License | Samuel Colvin s@muelcolvin.com, Eric Jolibois em.jolibois@gmail.com, Hasan Ramezani hasan.r67@gmail.com, Adrian Garcia Badaracco 1755071+adriangb@users.noreply.github.com, Terrence Dorsey terry@pydantic.dev, David Montague david@pydantic.dev, Serge Matveenko lig@countzero.co, Marcelo Trylesinski marcelotryle@gmail.com, Sydney Runkle sydneymarierunkle@gmail.com, David Hewitt mail@davidhewitt.io, Alex Hall alex.mojaki@gmail.com, Victorien Plot contact@vctrn.dev | https://github.com/pydantic/pydantic |
pydantic_core | MIT License | Samuel Colvin s@muelcolvin.com | https://github.com/pydantic/pydantic-core |
pymdown-extensions | MIT License | Isaac Muse Isaac.Muse@gmail.com | https://github.com/facelessuser/pymdown-extensions |
pyparsing | MIT License | Paul McGuire ptmcg.gm+pyparsing@gmail.com | https://github.com/pyparsing/pyparsing/ |
pysubs2 | MIT License | Tomas Karabela | https://github.com/tkarabela/pysubs2 |
pytorch-metric-learning | MIT License | Kevin Musgrave | https://github.com/KevinMusgrave/pytorch-metric-learning |
pytz | MIT License | Stuart Bishop | http://pythonhosted.org/pytz |
pyyaml_env_tag | MIT License | Waylan Limberg | https://github.com/waylan/pyyaml-env-tag |
rich | MIT License | Will McGugan | https://github.com/Textualize/rich |
rtoml | MIT License | Samuel Colvin s@muelcolvin.com | https://github.com/samuelcolvin/rtoml |
ruamel.yaml | MIT License | Anthon van der Neut | https://sourceforge.net/p/ruamel-yaml/code/ci/default/tree/ |
ruamel.yaml.clib | MIT License | Anthon van der Neut | https://sourceforge.net/p/ruamel-yaml-clib/code/ci/default/tree/ |
sacremoses | MIT License | UNKNOWN | https://github.com/alvations/sacremoses |
setuptools | MIT License | Python Packaging Authority distutils-sig@python.org | https://github.com/pypa/setuptools |
six | MIT License | Benjamin Peterson | https://github.com/benjaminp/six |
smart-open | MIT License | Radim Rehurek | https://github.com/piskvorky/smart_open |
spacy | MIT License | Explosion | https://spacy.io |
spacy-legacy | MIT License | Explosion | https://spacy.io |
srsly | MIT License | Explosion | https://github.com/explosion/srsly |
tabulate | MIT License | Sergey Astanin s.astanin@gmail.com | https://github.com/astanin/python-tabulate |
tensorboardX | MIT License | Tzu-Wei Huang | https://github.com/lanpa/tensorboardX |
thinc | MIT License | Explosion | https://github.com/explosion/thinc |
tomli | MIT License | Taneli Hukkinen hukkin@users.noreply.github.com | https://github.com/hukkin/tomli |
tomlkit | MIT License | Sébastien Eustace | https://github.com/sdispater/tomlkit |
torch-audiomentations | MIT License | Iver Jordal | https://github.com/asteroid-team/torch-audiomentations |
torch_pitch_shift | MIT License | KentoNishi | https://github.com/KentoNishi/torch-pitch-shift |
typer | MIT License | =?utf-8?q?Sebasti=C3=A1n_Ram=C3=ADrez?= tiangolo@gmail.com | https://github.com/fastapi/typer |
urllib3 | MIT License | Andrey Petrov andrey.petrov@shazow.net | https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3/blob/main/CHANGES.rst |
wcwidth | MIT License | Jeff Quast | https://github.com/jquast/wcwidth |
weasel | MIT License | Explosion | https://github.com/explosion/weasel/ |
whisperjf | MIT License | Jonathan Fox | UNKNOWN |
tqdm | MIT License; Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0) | UNKNOWN | https://tqdm.github.io |
certifi | Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0) | Kenneth Reitz | https://github.com/certifi/python-certifi |
pathspec | Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0) | "Caleb P. Burns" cpburnz@gmail.com | UNKNOWN |
aiohappyeyeballs | Other/Proprietary License; Python Software Foundation License | J. Nick Koston | https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohappyeyeballs |
defusedxml | Python Software Foundation License | Christian Heimes | https://github.com/tiran/defusedxml |
matplotlib | Python Software Foundation License | John D. Hunter, Michael Droettboom | https://matplotlib.org |
typing_extensions | Python Software Foundation License | "Guido van Rossum, Jukka Lehtosalo, Łukasz Langa, Michael Lee" levkivskyi@gmail.com | https://github.com/python/typing_extensions |
filelock | The Unlicense (Unlicense) | UNKNOWN | https://github.com/tox-dev/py-filelock |
yt-dlp | The Unlicense (Unlicense) | UNKNOWN | https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp |
audioread | UNKNOWN | Adrian Sampson adrian@radbox.org | UNKNOWN |