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Settting defaults in the configuration file

Accessing settings

The settings can be accessed with the following command. It will open the settings file in your default GUI text editor on macOS / Linux or in notepad / VSCode on Windows.

gogadget set-defaults --custom

If required, the settings file can be reset with the following command.

gogadget set-defaults --factory

Settings file location

gogadget set-defaults --custom will open the settings file for you. Should you wish to access the file directly, it should be stored at:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\gogadget\gogadget.toml (you can paste this directly in like a normal path, Windows will convert %APPDATA to the correct folder within your user directory)
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/gogadget/gogadget.toml
  • Linux: ~/.config/gogadget/gogadget.toml

Alternate paths could include ~/.gogadget/gogadget.toml and %LOCALAPPDATA%\gogadget\gogadget.toml if you have system settings that override the default directory behaviour.

Note that the settings file is generated on the first run of the tool so won't be available until you have run it (any command works) at least once.

Default Settings

# =====================
# - All values are text and should be therefore be wrapped in double quotes. Valid examples:
#       language = "en"
#       lemmatise = "True"
#       lemmatise = "False"
#       subs_offset_ms = "0"
#       subs_offset_ms = "50"
# - If you don't want to a specify a value, just type two double quotes beside each other e.g.:
#       language = ""
#       word_exclude_spreadsheet = ""
# - If you are on Windows, any paths will need to have any backslashes replaces with a double backslash e.g.:
#       word_exclude_spreadsheet = "C:\\data\\exclude.xlsx"
#   Since this is easy to forget about, the tool will try to fix it for you. However, it's always best if it is correct to begin with!
# =======
# It is possible to break the tool by setting incorrect values in here.
# However, the script will attempt to fall back to sensible defaults if it can't read your values.
# If your setting appears to not be read by the tool, this is probably the reason!
# Run `gogadget set-defaults --factory` (without quotes) to reset this file if you run into errors or unexplained behaviour

# language and language_for_translations either be a valid two letter language code or be set to "". 
# Valid examples:
#       language = "en"
#       language = ""
# For a list of supported languages, please see the readme or run `gogadget list-languages` (without quotes)
# output_directory needs to be a valid folder on your system.
# You can use a dot "." if you want to use the current directory that you are running commands from.
# Windows paths need to have backslashes replaced with double backslashes, see [instructions] at the top of this file.
# The tool will try to fix it if you forget but it's best to get it correct to begin with!
# Valid examples:
#       output_directory = ""                         # No default, you will have to specify when running the command
#       output_directory = "."                        # The outputs of the command will be written to the current folder
#       output_directory = "immersion_videos"         # Outputs will be written to a sub folder called "immersion_videos"
#       output_directory = "C:\\immersion_videos\\"   # Outputs will be written to a specific folder on the C:\ drive

language = ""
language_for_translations = "en"
output_directory = "."

# These can be set to "" if you don't want to use them or want to specify them every time.
# Windows paths need to have backslashes replaced with double backslashes, see [instructions] at the top of this file.
# The tool will try to fix it if you forget but it's best to get it correct to begin with!
# Valid examples:
#       word_exclude_spreadsheet = "C:\\data\\exclude.xlsx"     # This will load a specific spreadsheet
#       word_exclude_spreadsheet = ""                           # Don't use an exclude spreadsheet or only use when specified in the command

word_exclude_spreadsheet = ""
dictionary_file = ""
word_audio_directory = ""

# extract_media and include_words_with_no_definition should either be set to "True" or "False" and MUST be wrapped in quotes. 
# Valid examples:
#       extract_media = "True"
#       include_words_with_no_definition = "False"
# subs_offset_ms, subs_buffer_ms and max_cards_in_deck should be a number wrapped in quotes. 
# Valid examples:
#       subs_offset_ms = "0"
#       subs_buffer_ms = "50"

extract_media = "True"
include_words_with_no_definition = "True"
subs_offset_ms = "0"
subs_buffer_ms = "50"
max_cards_in_deck = "100"

# All values should be set to "True" or "False" and MUST be wrapped in quotes.
# Valid examples:
#       lemmatise = "True"
#       lemmatise = "False"

lemmatise = "True"
filter_out_non_alpha = "True"
filter_out_stop_words = "True"
convert_input_to_lower = "True"
convert_output_to_lower = "True"
return_just_first_word_of_lemma = "True"

# These should either wrapped in quotes or set to double quotes to leave it blank. 
# Valid examples:
#       format = "best[ext=mp4]"
#       format = ""

advanced_options = ""
format = ""
subtitle_language = ""

# whisper_use_gpu should either be set to "True" or "False" and MUST be wrapped in quotes. 
# Valid examples:
#       whisper_use_gpu = "False"
#       whisper_use_gpu = "True"
# max_subtitle_length and subtitle_split_threshold should be a number wrapped in quotes. 
# Valid examples:
#       max_subtitle_length = "100"
# The other settings should be text wrapped in quotes or be set to "" if you want to specify them each time.
# These settings are best left alone unless you know what you are doing! Valid examples:
#       whisper_model = "small"
#       alignment_model = ""

whisper_model = "deepdml/faster-whisper-large-v3-turbo-ct2"
alignment_model = ""
subtitle_format = "vtt"
max_subtitle_length = "94"
subtitle_split_threshold = "70"
whisper_use_gpu = "False"